Tuesday 17 May 2011

Tragical death puts an end to family altercation

Verona City - What was planned to be a festive day for the Capulets, eventuated into a dreadful incident. Capulet had arranged for his daughter, Juliet, to be married to Paris. However, on the day of the wedding, Juliet was found to be dead on her bed. It was believed that she had died because she was in grief of her cousins death. But after police had made their investigation, and with the evidence of Friar Laurence, it was acknowledged that Juliet had drank a sleeping potion which only made her appear as if she was dead.

Juliet stabs herself after seeing Romeo is dead.
On the day Juliet was buried in her tomb, Romeo was on his way to Verona to see his wife because he had received the false information that Juliet was dead from Balthsar. However, before Romeo had reached the tomb, Paris arrived to see Juliet with his page. He told his page to warn him if anyone approached the graveyard. Just as Paris was spreading flowers on Juliet's tomb, his page whistled to warn him that someone was coming. Paris hid within the shadows as Romeo arrived with Balthasar to the graveyard. Romeo commaded Balthasar to leave because he did not want him to see what he was about to do. He threatened that if he tried to spy secretly, he would tear his limbs apart. Balthasar agreed to leave and in reward, received money from Romeo, However, frightened by the look on his face and doubtful of his intentions, Balthasar hid nearby. Paris realized that the stranger who had come to Juliet's tomb was a Montague - and the one who had killed Tybalt. Assuming that he had come to do something with the dead bodies, Paris jumped out of the shadows and threatened to kill Romeo. Romeo, who was already there to die, told Paris to go away because he was in a state of depression and might do something crazy. Paris refused to his request and furious Romeo, provoked him into a fight.

Romeo killed Paris and placed his body in Juliet's tomb. Then Romeo admired Juliet's face one more time before drinking his poison and falling dead. Once Friar Laurence made it to the tomb, expecting Romeo to be waiting for Juliet to wake up, he finds Paris killed and Romeo dead. At that moment, Juliet woke up and was in shock at what she saw. Friar Laurence heard someone and asked Juliet to leave the tomb with him. However, Juliet was too busy grieving for her husband. She was so upset that she took the knife Romeo used to kill Paris and stabbed herself just before three watchmen arrived. After taking one look at the chaotic scene, they decided they should call the Prince, the Capulets, and the Montagues so that they could investigate and discover the whole story. 

When everyone arrived, it was even more riotous, because everyone was shocked to see Romeo and Paris dead, and Juliet seemed to have died recently. The Prince questioned Friar Laurence and the page at what had happened. Friar Laurence explained that he had married Juliet and Romeo and when Juliet was arranged to marry Paris, she had come to him for help. Afraid that she would kill herself if he didn't assist her, she gave her a sleeping potion which if drunken, makes you appear as if you are dead. He explicated that Romeo had failed to receive the letter which indicated that he was to be at Juliet's tomb for when she woke up. He had tried to get to the tomb to keep Juliet in his cell and to later inform Romeo to meet her there, however he was too late. After the Prince listened to what Laurence had to say, he blamed the Montagues and Capulets for placing judgements on each other and creating such a silly family feud. He told them this was the result of their hatred for each other. The disastrous events that occured on October 15th in Verona City, was what it took for the Montagues and the Capulets to make peace. 

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